24×24cm(厚さ1.5cm) 165g 木製のパネルに木綿布貼り/型染手彩色にて仕上げ 壁掛け用金具と紐がセットです おひなさまの新作パネルです。 桃の花に囲まれて、仲良く手を繋ぐお内裏様をデザインしました。 ★名入れも無料で承ります。お気軽にご相談くださいませ。 Size/24 x 24 x 1.5 cm 165g Wooden/Cotton cloth/KATAZOME This new product is based on the theme of “HINAMATURI”, a traditional Japanese event. “HINAMATURI” is an event to wish for the birth and healthy growth of a baby girl. This design is based on the motif of “ODAIRISAMA”, who are surrounded by peach blossoms and hold hands in good friendship. The name of your loved one can be placed in the work. Please send us a message if you wish to have it.
木綿生地に型染手彩色 額サイズ22×27.5cm、厚さ2cm ガラス面・専用紙箱付き お雛祭りをモチーフにした型染の小額が完成いたしました。 桃の節句を迎えるお子様達へ、健やかな成長と明るい未来を願い制作致しました。 ★名入れも無料で承ります。お気軽にご相談くださいませ。 In Japan, we celebrate Hinamatsuri on March 3. Hinamatsuri is an occasion to pray for young girls’ growth and happiness. We made a "KATAZOME" work with the motif of "Hinamatsuri" this time. Now that we are under the influence of the coronavirus, we made this work in the hope of the healthy growth and bright future of the children who will live in the future. The name of your loved one can be placed in the work. Please send us a message if you wish to have it.